This American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid, CPR & AED certification class will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants. This course provides training for those who need certification at work, or people responsible for the health of children or vulnerable adults—either at work or at home.
When required by an organization.
Students must perform required skills competently without assistance.
*We offer classroom as well as blended learning options, which consist of part online and part in-person classes for maximum efficiency and flexibility.
Babysitters Training equips young individuals, ages 11-15, with the essential knowledge and skills to safely and responsibly care for infants and children. This comprehensive course fosters leadership development teaches participants how to start and manage a babysitting business and provides strategies for keeping themselves and the children they care for safe. Participants will also learn techniques for encouraging positive behavior, along with basic childcare, CPR, and first aid skills. The program is designed to build confidence and prepare youth for successful babysitting experiences.
Our experienced instructors are committed to teaching CPR and first aid training. We offer classes at our comfortable, convenient location, and we're willing to travel to teach large groups.
Our instructor has real-life experience performing CPR and first aid. That's why we are able to offer better quality educational training.
Our class curriculum conforms to current guidelines. We guarantee you will leave our class with the skills necessary to effectively administer CPR for first aid to babies, children, and adults.
Take Part of your CPR Class Online and Finish the Rest In-Person with our Expert Instructors.
All of our Certifications are Accepted Nationwide.
OSHA Compliant to satisfy the OSHA-mandated job requirement.
Remember the days when you had to carry your printed certificate around those days are gone. The American Red Cross Digital certificates make keeping your certification with you easier than ever. The certificates are easy to pull up from a cell phone or computer. Digital certificates also make it a snap for an employer or organization to check and verify your certification levels.
The first way to find your American Red Cross Certificate is to search using the Find My Certificate webpage provided by the American Red Cross. By searching by the email address that you registered with the American Red Cross or your Training Provider you can easily lookup all of your American Red Cross certifications in one place. You can download or print them, if you’d like to carry a physical copy of your certificate(s). You can also order printed certificates directly from the American Red Cross if you’d like.
Or you can also call the American Red Cross directly at
1- (800) 733-2767.
The second way to lookup a certificate is generally used by employers. This is also a website but this one allows for a search by a certificate number. If you are an employer and your employee has given you his or her certification, or even just the certification number, you can use it to search for the certificate to validate that it’s valid as well as see when it expires. This tool makes compliance and HR record keeping a breeze. Just go to the American Red Cross digital certificate verification web page and search for the certificate number you are trying to verify the certificate number can be found on the printed digital certificate.
Or you can also call the American Red Cross directly at
1- (800) 733-2767.
More than 9,000,000 people trained by American Red Cross Instructors every year.
Submit a Reschedule Request using the messaging icon at least 48 hours prior to the original class date.
Refund Policy
Classes are non-refundable, and no refunds will be issued once classes have been submitted.
Reschedule Policy
Registered participants are required to submit a reschedule request online at least 48 hours prior to the original class date to attend a future class at no additional cost.
Late/No Show Policy
Failure to attend your registered course time will result in forfeit of payment. Failure to be present by the start of the registered course time will result in a forfeit of payment.
Pre-Course Requirement Policy
Failure to complete necessary pre-course requirements (i.e. online blended learning coursework, additional certifications, etc.) prior to the start of the scheduled course time will result in forfeit of payment.
Failed Course Policy
If a student fails to pass the necessary components to receive their certification no refunds will be given for attempted and failed courses.
Cancelled Class Policy
Care Solutions Nurse Aide reserves the right to cancel classes as needed. In the event, a class is canceled registered participants will be offered a transfer to a different class at no additional charge or a full refund.
Care Solutions Nurse Aide
Hold Harmless Agreement
Care Solutions Nurse Aide and student acknowledge that there is some risk of accident or injury associated with use of equipment and other aspects of the course study, including but not limited to direct care and contact of other students at the training facility site. Student does hereby waive, release, and discharge Care Solutions Nurse Aide of any and all liability and all claims for damages for death, personal injury, or property damage which I may have or which hereafter accrue to me as a result of participation in the program whether or not caused by negligence or fault of Care Solutions Nurse Aide
This release is intended to discharge the school, and its officers, employees, representatives, students, volunteers, and agents from and against any and all liability arising out of or connected in any way with my participation in the training,, hands-on activities, practice, or other activities.
Knowing risks exist, nevertheless, I hereby agree to assume those risks and to release and to hold harmless all persons or agencies mentioned above that might otherwise be liable to me or my heirs or assigns for damages. I further understand and agree that this waiver, release, and assumption of risk is to be binding on my heirs and assigns.
In addition, I give permission to receive, if necessary, emergency medical services by authorized personnel, and that any cost incurred as a result of such medical treatment will be my responsibility.
If you have questions about the opportunities available to you in our programs, send us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
408 N White St, Lancaster, SC, 29720
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